Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pigs or it didn't happen

So, it was pointed out to me that I said I would post "pigs" from my last trip, so... here you go.
I did my last post from my iPod touch and apparently when you type "pics" it thinks you meant to type "pigs" and inserts that instead. Thanks, Apple.

So, here are some PICS:

For the full album click here.

I get to go back to Vegas in September for a trade show. I will also be in Salt Lake in a couple weeks for another trade show. I'm nervous about that one since I am doing the motion graphics for the booth and I don't have much to show for it. I hope that things will come together this week for that project. That's usually how things work out. I stress about the project, an idea comes, and then it falls together at the last minute. Anyway, enough about work.

Last week, I heard The Boy knocking around in the kitchen. This is what I walked in to see:

And this is what he was getting into. He's a little stinker and his ability to climb and get into things is increasing. I think he may turn into more of a handful when the baby comes this summer.

I am really looking forward to this summer so I can start working on the yard. We want to rip out a bunch of the shrubs and plants that are here. Everything is green and there is not much more color besides that. We also want to put up a fence so the kids can play safely in the backyard. That will be the biggest expense. We have so much work to do on the house, but it has been really fun so far. One of my projects I am really proud of is the networking I did in the house. I ran network and coax cable throughout the house so each room has a hook-up. Not all of the rooms are connected, but they can be. I had to learn how to crimp my own cable ends and the good thing is that they all worked!

Anyway, I should go get ready for church. I'll be sure to keep you posted on the house projects and post some more pigs...


Shannon B said...

So I REALLY like the pigs...they look awesome!! That is really cute of Perry on the counter...he is pretty sneaky!

Tilane said...

Those are great pigs!!!

I would climb great heights for Pringles chips too.

Higa said...

I love how your son is opening the pringles and just behind that is bananas... haha.