Monday, December 22, 2008

My little sweetheart

So, the baby has been teething for the last few days. It's so sad, because she is normally such a good little sleeper, and her eyes are looking so tired. (And I'm sure mine are, too :( ) Anyways, yesterday morning I got a nice surprise when Ken made me breakfast in bed. (yum yum) It was awesome. And then this morning I got an even BETTER surprise when the girl did the same thing! And she made me her favorite, cheese melted on toast. family is so nice to me. And I love them, too!!


Anonymous said...

That is so nice.

Something Dakota has started doing, but maybe out of necessity but I choose to think its love, he makes his and Ethan's lunch in the morning.

It so great when they help out isn't it?

Luke and Mel said...

that is so sweet!